
Non Alcoholic

  • NON 5 Lemon Marmalade & Hibiscus NON 5 Lemon Marmalade & Hibiscus

    NON 5 Lemon Marmalade & Hibiscus 750mL ABV 0%

    Non alcoholic wine alternative - sparkling. Vegan, Gluten Free. Lightly carbonated, similar to petilland farmhouse gose. Profile: tart native citrus, menthol bouquet, bitter hop; Type: infusion blend, carbonated. Ingredients: citra hops, lemon verbena,...
  • NON 1 Salted Raspberry & Chamomile NON 1 Salted Raspberry & Chamomile

    NON 1 Salted Raspberry & Chamomile 750mL ABV 0%

    Non alcoholic wine alternative - sparkling. Vegan, Gluten Free. Carbonated lightly, similar to that of a pet nat. Dry and lengthy fruit tannins..  Profile: vibrant red fruit, delicate floral nose, salt undertone;  Type: Infusion blen,...

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