Ascending into the mountains of St. Andrew, on the island’s north-eastern coast, nestles Dunfermline – once a venerable distillery lost to Hurricane Ivan, where for centuries its clay loam has been conducive to cane cultivation. For this rum we harvested the sucrose-rich variety we call Lacalome Red from Anderson’s field, which stands on the terroir known as Mango Lane.
This rum has been produced from a Pot Still.
CanceCode PC06H20-P1.
Check out here for more details, a lot more details, down to how the soil looks like!
Rum of Grenada
Renegade Rum is a new distillery planning on creating a revival of real local rum production in Grenada. To reflect the true Grenada, Renegade works with several local farms, each with a different terroir. Instead of mixing batches of canes, each origin is carefully kept separated to produce a rum for each farm.